# Third Push

In order to better facilitate the service for your users, we also provide third-party-push to help you connect with your users.


In order to minimize conflicts, AIHelp does not integrate any third-party-push. We just serve as a message relay platform to help you remind users or other services in the form of push.


Notify AIHelp about users' push information via userConfig field when calling the login or updateUserInfo API.

let userConfig = {
  pushToken: 'your_push_token',
  pushPlatform: 'your_push_platform',


Or, you could implement the same function by the URL scheme:


  let domain = "THIS IS YOUR APP DOMAIN";
  let appId = "THIS IS YOUR APP ID";
  let entranceId = "THIS IS YOUR ENTRANCE ID";
  (function () {
    let baseUrl = `https://${domain}/webchatv5/#/${appId}`;
    let params = `entranceId=${entranceId}&pushToken=${your_push_token}&pushPlatform=${your_push_platform}`;
    let url = `${baseUrl}?${params}`;

# Definition

# userConfig API

  • Type: object
  • Detail: Optional. Only works in the API scheme, used to notify AIHelp about users' push information.

# pushToken

  • Type: string
  • Detail: Required. Users' push token, get it from your push platform.

# pushPlatform

  • Type: APNS | Firebase | JPush | GeTui | Huawei | OneSignal
  • Detail: Required. AIHelp supports 5 different platforms, which are APNS, FireBase, JPush, GeTui, HuaWei and OneSignal.
Last Updated: 7/26/2024, 6:29:04 AM